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jeremy wilson
Last seen 10.5 years ago
Dear BioConductors,
I am using arrayQualityMetrics software package to do the QA. I very
like all the QA plots it produces including the latest PCA plot in one
report. I am using the latest version of R(2.10) and BioC (2.5). I am
a problem with inappropriate labeling of covariates. Please see the
I have total of 69 samples. I asked the software to label the plots
based on
a covariate, the summary of which is as below:
Notation total number of samples in order
V 23
G 38
N 8
The problem is that it does not label the graphs correctly in the
plots!! In
the plots, the first set of samples correspond to V, the next 38
samples for
G and the last 8 for N. In the boxplot for example, the G was labelled
and this should correspond to 38 samples but in the plot, the boxplots
corresponding to these 38 samples were colored GREEN. The ones that
labeled RED correspond to 8 'N' samples which should be represented in
according to the label at the top of plot. Likewise for the other
two. I
think it can be better understood at the first glance of the plots.
The phenotype of the samples was given correctly.
Following is the code I used for generating the aqm report.
arrayQualityMetrics(rat.ab, do.logtransform=TRUE, outdir="QA",
intgroup="Material", grouprep=TRUE)
I have attached only a few plots. I can produce all of them if it
It might take some time for the post to reach the mailing list as the
earlier one I posted with a few more plots was held for moderator's
as the size of the message body is over the limit!
Please let me know what is wrong.
Thanks in advance!
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