Dear all,
I suspect log2fc values in our DGE study using DESeq2 (DESeq 1.14.1) to be systematically understimated (say 2 instead of 2.5, 0 instead of 0.5, -2 instead of -1.5)
I understand that my question is rather general but are there any reasons that could lead DESeq to underestimate fc?
I can give more information if requested.
Many thanks
The center of the distribution has to be on zero. There's been a number of recent posts on the support site where I discuss this aspect. Maybe you can find these in recent DESeq2 posts.
Unless you have prior information on which genes are relatively constant (see 'controlGenes' in estimateSizeFactors) there is no other option than to perform computational normalization which essentially centers the distribution on zero.