I used minfi package to analyze 450K methylation data. I got a list of regions that are differentially methylated.
I would like to know how can i convert the DMR regions into genes to asses which genes are hypo/hyper methylated.
Thank you.
I used minfi package to analyze 450K methylation data. I got a list of regions that are differentially methylated.
I would like to know how can i convert the DMR regions into genes to asses which genes are hypo/hyper methylated.
Thank you.
Hi James,
nearest helped me to find the nearest gene to the DMR.
nearest(x, subject, select ="all")
returns all overlapping regions which are mostly redundant transcript, since i am interested in unique gene names I used
nearest(x, subject) #arbitrary is the default.
How to ensure that a single DMR (identified by bump hunter in minfi library ) is overlapping only with one gene? Is it possible that DMR overlaps with more than one gene?
Thank you.
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Hi James,
nearest helped me to find the nearest gene to the DMR.
nearest(x, subject, select ="all")
returns all overlapping regions which are mostly redundant transcript, since i am interested in unique gene names I used
nearest(x, subject) #arbitrary is the default.
How to ensure that a single DMR (identified by bump hunter in minfi library ) is overlapping only with one gene? Is it possible that DMR overlaps with more than one gene?
Thank you.