325 results • Page 1 of 6
associated cirrhosis in patient derived hepatocytes" and i align them using hisat2, followed by featurecounts for raw counts matrix. when i am trying to process the raw_counts using deseq2 the results are not satisfactory
Hello, when I was going through the last step of metagenomic data processing, featurecounts kept reporting errors, and there was no output result file. Error message displayed:"featureCounts: input-files.c...Hello, when I was going through the last step of metagenomic data processing, featurecounts kept reporting errors, and there was no output result file. Error message displayed:"featureCounts:…
updated 24 days ago • shuwangxinze1996
requested in a [previous post](https://support.bioconductor.org/p/83968/)). From reading the featureCounts documentation, I suspected that this would be accomplished by setting the `nonOverlap` parameter, described...to 0. For the rest of the post, I will be discussing the results when using the following call to featureCounts (where the goal was to assign reads to a gene with which it completely…
updated 6 weeks ago • isaac.vock
5, minOverlap=1) # get counts (mapQCth=0 was kept to match with results from DESeq2/featurecounts, summits=FALSE for counting over full peak ) obj <- dba.count(obj, minOverlap=1, score=DBA_SCORE_READS, summits...rather it is using raw counts to plot PCA. I rectified it separate analysis with quantification with featurecounts/DESeq2 and plotting PCA on both vst transformed coun…
updated 6 weeks ago • Ankit
the 4 count files but omit any row that do not appear in all 4 files. Any help would be appreciated. ``` featureCounts -T 5 -p -t exon -g gene_id -a panTro6.ncbiRefSeq.gtf -o panTro6_counts.txt bam1 bam2 bam3 bam4 bam5 bam6 bam7 featureCounts...t exon -g gene_id -a panPan3.ncbiRefSeq.gtf -o panPan3_counts.txt bam1 bam2 bam3 bam4 bam5 bam6 bam7 featureCounts -T 5 -p -t exon -g gene_id -a ponAbe3.…
updated 7 weeks ago • Christian
genes across species. I was planning to filter the table of raw counts (previously obtained with featureCounts) to obtain the raw counts of these ~2500 orthologs across species replicates in condition B, normalize them
updated 7 weeks ago • Laura
alteration between conditions of **mice** samples. I made a workflow with Rsubread to align and featureCounts to count. For splicing I switched to the subjunc() function. It worked well. Then I discovered the "reportAllJunctions
updated 7 weeks ago • thomas.heigl.ibk
I am using v2.0.6 of `featureCounts` on a Linux machine. I am running the following command: ``` $ subread-2.0.6-Linux-x86_64/bin/featureCounts -a fc_test.saf...NC_086317 ``` And run the following command: ``` $ subread-2.0.6-Linux-x86_64/bin/featureCounts -a fc_test.saf -F SAF -o fc_test.counts.out -T 2 -p -A aliases.txt fc_test.bam ``` Still, I see that none of the alignments...from th…
updated 8 weeks ago • vkkodali
When running FeatureCounts with -R (report reads) the output bam file reads are tagged with XS, XN and XT. I have bam files aligned with HISAT2...as SAMTOOLS view -d tag filtering fails to correctly filter by XS tag. Is it possible to modify the FeatureCounts XS tag to another tag ID? Thanks in advance, Chris
updated 10 weeks ago • chris2.a.white
Hi! I did the code for exactTest and for glmQLFTest for my 153 samples. I used raw counts (DGE) for the DE analysis. Resuts from the exactTest: 10 genes with FDR<0.05 and 1651 genes with p-value< 0.05. With glmQLFTest results, all the p-values are >= 0.99 and all the FDR values are =1. Why are the results so different? glm approach ```r library(edgeR) library(tidyverse) l…
updated 11 weeks ago • fr8712ca-s
analysis; I got the mouse GTF file from NCBI). I have attached screenshots of the summary of the featureCounts process as well as the .txt file I received as an output. Most of the columns of the .txt file look normal but there...txt to .xlsx in R. Am I missing something in this conversion or is there something wrong with my featureCounts output file? As you can see from the attachment, it did no…
updated 11 weeks ago • ryann
Hi, I am a master student in biomedicine at Lund University in Sweden. I am using edgeR for differential expression of genes. I am a beginner in the use of edgeR. ``` setwd("C:/Users/Analysis") library("edgeR") library(tidyr) data <- read.csv("C:/Users/Analysis/Data/Case_Control_Phenotype_Features.csv") group <- as.factor(data$T2D) #group include individuals with T2D (YES) and n…
updated 12 weeks ago • fr8712ca-s
Hello, I'm trying to use featureCounts to annotate a long read dataset obtained from nanopore sequencing. I noticed from the results reads that...Hello, I'm trying to use featureCounts to annotate a long read dataset obtained from nanopore sequencing. I noticed from the results reads that are...reads were assigned to all 3 ACTG1 isoforms. ![enter image description here][1] I was runni…
updated 3 months ago • Alex
When featureCounts is used to count miRNAs present in genome aligned bam files, it gives miRNA size outputs, as well as long fragments...ie 8kb). I think this is happening because overlapping miRNAs exist, and thus featureCounts cannot distinguish where an individual miRNAs starts and ends in this situation (when there is an overlap...some genomes there are 0 known miRNAs). Thus I have the follo…
updated 3 months ago • tjgray4
detailing the assignment of each individual sequencing read), I found a weird bug. Occasionally, featureCounts would assign reads to the identical set of isoforms, but would output different comma-separated target list...file with one of these two target lists and 100 with the other target list. Notably, when running featureCounts as detailed below on this downsampled bam file, the reads get assi…
updated 3 months ago • isaac.vock
bam_file <- "path/aligned_reads.bam" gtf_file <- "path/to/annotation.gtf" counts <- featureCounts(files = bam_file, annot.ext = gtf_file, isPairedEnd = TRUE)" what could be wrong???? GTF file is absolutely fine i did
updated 3 months ago • mirjanakessler
the reads back to genes found in the assembly and counting up the reads mapped per gene using featureCounts, I then divided the total reads by gene length, and now would like to sum up these coverages by KO to get a sense
Hello, I'm looking at the featureCount flag -t and the gtf file for my organism of study, and the gtf file has the following feature options: gene, exon...Hello, I'm looking at the featureCount flag -t and the gtf file for my organism of study, and the gtf file has the following feature options: gene, exon, transcript
updated 6 months ago • HS
and two time points for uninfected samples. I have a count matrix that was generated using featureCounts after alignment of reads using bowtie2, and the matrix includes reads mapping to the bacteria as well as the
updated 6 months ago • Sean
Hello, I have a rather simple question: featureCounts has a long-read mode ("isLongRead" parameter). How does this parameter affect the counting behavior of featureCounts
updated 7 months ago • mmisak
This technically pertains to the command line featureCounts program in subread, but the subread webpage suggests posting here, and I'm assuming the bioconductor version...I'm trying to count only fragments that span splice junctions (per gene as the meta feature) in featureCounts using the --splitOnly option. The documentation suggests that this will capture reads with an 'N' in the cigar
updated 7 months ago • Gregory
pulled down the protein and sequenced both IP and input. I got the reads assigned to each gene using featurecount and use that as input to Deseq2, and I have two replicates for IP and input. After differential expression analysis...Log2FC from Deseq2, however, the log2FC is not consistent with the RPM I calculated (RPM calculation: featurecount assigned reads/total reads *1000000). Here is an e…
I got an error using subread v 2.0.6 Assertion failed: (NULL == pairer -> bam_margin_table -> appendix2), function SAM_pairer_finish_margin_table, file input-files.c, line 4672. zsh: abort featureCounts -O -T 8 -a stringtie_output/concat_output/concat_output.gtf -o I checked the integrity of my bam file and it looks...gt; appendix2), function SAM_pairer_finish_margin_tab…
updated 7 months ago • Kilian
Hi I am running featureCounts() function from Rsubread package with my aligned dataset. I am using HPC clusters to perform the task. my Rscript...looks something like this. ``` fc <- featureCounts(files=fileNames, annot.ext=file.path("/lustre/project/jfang5", "Homo_sapiens_GRCh38", …
updated 7 months ago • kthapa
the log-RPKM values ``` plotMDS(logRPKM, gene.selection="pairwise") ``` #Creating a DGEList from featureCounts If the count matrix is created using `Rsubread::featureCounts` then the output can be transformed to a DGEList...directly, without any need for intermediate data files: ``` fc <- featureCounts( ... ) y <- featureCounts2DGEList(fc) ``` The resulting DGEList object will aut…
updated 8 months ago • Gordon Smyth
Since I had forgotten to output the BAM file, I mapped again using only STAR. However when I run featureCounts, for the same sample: ``` featureCounts(files = BAM1, isPairedEnd = TRUE, allowMultiOverlap = TRUE, countMultiMappingReads...and the log looks the same as mentioned above. This time I outputted the .genome.bam file, and for featureCounts: ``` feat…
updated 9 months ago • vitoriastavis
transcripts into a single feature, just like what `bedtools merge` does. 2. When I use the `featureCounts` of `Subread` package (v2.0.3, command-line version), will `-g gene_id -t transcript` and `-g gene_id -t gene` give me same
updated 9 months ago • Ya
I am a new learner of DESEQ2 and have seen similar posts on this forum but could not find clear answers. What would be the best way to create heatmaps specifically with 2 log fold change(base 2) in DESEQ2 or R in general? In DESEQ2, heatmaps are created based on VST (Variance Stabilizing Transformation) values. The count data I've used is unnormalized raw counts from FeatureCounts. I would…
updated 10 months ago • bio2249
Hi- I've noticed what i think is a bug in featureCounts with paired-end reads and `--countReadPairs`. When a bam is used that has been filtered post alignment so that...Hi- I've noticed what i think is a bug in featureCounts with paired-end reads and `--countReadPairs`. When a bam is used that has been filtered post alignment so that some...reads that were originally paired are no longe…
updated 10 months ago • StevenE.Strong
tool on a local instance of Galaxy (I find the GUI really easy to use, plus I can upload batches of featureCounts files rather than combining them manually). Today, I went to check my results by running it in R. Both were fresh
updated 12 months ago • murphytho1401
Hi, I think I might have found a bug in featureCounts from Rsubread (v2.12.3). I am trying to find reads overlapping exon junctions from a personalised reference...Hi, I think I might have found a bug in featureCounts from Rsubread (v2.12.3). I am trying to find reads overlapping exon junctions from a personalised reference, using Nanopore long read BAMs. I am afraid I cannot share fully …
updated 12 months ago • Carlos
Hello all, From my understanding of the featureCounts manual it should, by default, count reads that align to the features (exons) of a meta-feature (gene). However my...Hello all, From my understanding of the featureCounts manual it should, by default, count reads that align to the features (exons) of a meta-feature (gene). However my output...file is at the exon level (sorry for the…
updated 13 months ago • CDSPARKS
Hi All, I want to extract the counts that are arising form pre-mRNA (i.e non-split reads). For the sigle-end library kind of easy but for the paired end the situation is bit different. Because FWD reads in the exon and reverse reads are in the introns so i don't know how to extract this information. I have searched quiet a lot but not able to find the information. My read size is 60 nt and …
I am new to R and RStudio but have been trying to work through different examples using Rsubread for my data. I have tried reading vignettes and manuals prior to posting here but I am stuck and could really use some advice. I have 7 paired-end, fastq files from Illumina sequencing of human samples. I have downloaded RStudio version 2022.12.0+353. I have installed the packages BiocManager and R…
updated 14 months ago • rmoorehe
sample represent one cell. I have used `STAR` to map the samples against my indexed genome and `featureCounts` to quantify the reads onto the genes. If I do a pre-filtering before running the DESeq function only very little
updated 14 months ago • Assa Yeroslaviz
Ensembl/Gencode GRCh38 for mapping total RNA-Seq projects with STAR, and then counted reads with the featureCounts command from Subread or Rsubread. We are attempting to set up new pipelines with the latest release 43 (GRCh38.p13...differ (NC_060930.1). What (if any) modifications can be made to run Subread or RSubread featureCounts on the new NCBI release and obtain counts data for all ~57 th…
updated 14 months ago • Hilary
Hello everyone, I'm having this problem with subread 2.0.3 featureCounts in Linux OS. This gtf file is converted with gff3 file using gffread. This is my using code. ``` featureCounts -T 10...__| | ========== |_____/ \____/|____/|_| \_\______/_/ \_\_____/ v2.0.1 //========================== featureCounts setting ===========================\\ Input files : 1 …
generating a count matrix from this input using Rsubread package? The following code using `featureCounts` works, but I believe it is improper to use on single cell data? ```r countsmat<-featureCounts( files = c("LN.bam","blood.bam
updated 15 months ago • Christopher
Before using this pipeline I used to get started from the raw gene counts from `featureCounts` then use in EdgeR. ```salmon.merged.gene_counts_length_scaled.rds salmon.merged.gene_counts_length_scaled.tsv
updated 15 months ago • mohammedtoufiq91
converting counts to integer mode Warning message: 0 aggregate geneIDs were found truncated in featureCounts output Error in `$<-.data.frame`(`*tmp*`, "dispersion", value = NA) : replacement has 1 row, data has 0 Calls: estimateDispersions
updated 15 months ago • Ben J
Hi, I am running my bulk RNA-seq analysis, I use feature counts from subread package to generate my raw counts from bam files using paired-end option. Do I still need to give library type when I use DESeq() function to get my DEGs? I appreciate your help!
updated 15 months ago • Bo
Hello, I am using Rsubread's featureCounts() to quantify the genes in my RNA-Seq data. There are two options to count "genes" or "exons" that are then aggregated
RNA star (to obtain Star counts similiar to the new TCGA pipeline) and afterwards I used the featurecounts function. The data from the featurecounts function I combined into one excel file (countsm) and I also created...Subsequently I performed the DESEq2 analysis as described in the pipeline. Since I used the featurecounts function, I followed the "countsmatrix" vignette steps. After I obtai…
updated 16 months ago • nico
files with czid-dedup - Used HISAT2 for allignment with GRCm38 as the reference genome and used FeatureCounts to summarize counts for genes - Used Bayesian method based on mRNA counts provided by DESeq2 for differential
updated 16 months ago • Yongqing
So I'm basically getting these 'successfully assigned reads" of around 30 - 45%. When I did STAR I got alignment reads of like 70-80% which is really good. I know that FeatureCounts counts the amount of reads (achieved in STAR) appeared to overlap with known genes. And so it's normal that it's...30 - 45%. When I did STAR I got alignment reads of like 70-80% which is really good. I know that Featu…
updated 17 months ago • Soniya.sherpa.lama
Hi, running Rsubread 2.8.2/2.12.0 or featureCounts 2.0.3/2.0.1, I stumbled over two issues when allowing ambiguous read assignment (-O/allowMultiOverlap) 1) regarding...assignment via minimum fractional overlap (--fracOverlap) using featureCounts stand-alone binary. 2) when combined with --/largestOverlap and --/fraction using Rsubread featureCounts function...is enabled (--/fraction), both re…
updated 17 months ago • Konstantin
to summarize counts to the gene level." These are the parameters that I am using: ``` mock1 <- featureCounts(files="mock1_Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam",isPairedEnd=TRUE, GTF.featureType="exon", GTF.attrType="gene_id
support.bioconductor.org/p/59273/): ``` I think what we can do is to add another parameter to featureCounts to let the function reduce the read to its 5' most base or its 3' most base, before carrying out read counting. With...readExtensionFrom5`) that reads can be extended from their 5' end. The requested option can make featureCounts manipulate reads more flexible, especially in the case …
updated 18 months ago • Leon
Hello, I am having trouble getting an output file in Rsubreads using featureCounts. I want to set up my data to run analysis of differential expresssion in EdgeR. I'm running about 40 .bam files...Hello, I am having trouble getting an output file in Rsubreads using featureCounts. I want to set up my data to run analysis of differential expresssion in EdgeR. I'm running about 40 .bam files in...…
Using featureCounts v2.0.1, I don't see any effect in changing `-d` and `-D` options (minimum and maximum fragment/template length, respectively...Here's example output using silly values of `-d 10 -D 10000` and `-d 10000 -D 10`. No difference: ``` featureCounts -d 10 -D 10000 -a genrich/ATACseq/single/atac_merge.gff -o tmp.tsv -t peak -g locus_id -p bwa/Ap2oGFP1o.pb.bam cat...0 Unassigne…
updated 19 months ago • dario.beraldi
Hi, I am currently running FeatureCounts following mapping meta-transcriptomic data back to various reference genomes. I have predicted genes using...CDS 47 1186 127.9 - 0 ID=1_1;partial=00;[…] I looked to run featurecounts using parameters -t CDS, -p, and -g ID for this file, and it did not map any reads. However, when I use the NCBI downloaded...and this file maps 52% of th…
updated 19 months ago • rridley3
infection consisting of 3 time points and a virus free control with 3 replicates each produced with featureCounts. Normalization after running template_script_DESeq2.r: ![enter image description here][1] It does not look
updated 19 months ago • f99942
Dear All, I am using GTF file to use as input of FeatureCount along with .bam file, but I am getting error. I read many post on forum related to this query but could not get proper
updated 20 months ago • KMS
Hello, I did a bulkRNA-seq and now have an output gene count file from: `featureCounts -s 0 -p -P -d 0 -D 1000 -B --primary -t exon -g gene_name -a gtf -T 6 -o output bam1 bam2 bam3` (I did it via hisat2 then samtools sort...then featurecounts using linux command line) The three bam files belong to 3 cell lines and I want to do a differential analysis
updated 20 months ago • Jiayi
I used the following pipeline for RNA Seq Analysis Fastq-Trimmomatic- Hisat2(gtf file was annotated)-featurecounts After featurecounts I tried to do limmavoom, but I get error saying this ``` An error occurred with this dataset
updated 21 months ago • btadfaramin
Essentially, due to low input RNA (issue with sequencer), there's a high number of 0s in the gene count matrix with featurecounts, and this gives a poor dispersion estimate (shown below, with ~60,000 genes) ![enter image description here][1] Then to deal with this, I filtered out the lowly expressed genes (with idx <- rowSums( counts(dds, normalized=TRUE) >= 5 ) >= 3)…
Hello! I am trying to run featureCounts v1.6.2 to use for DESeq2. I am running the following command: ./featureCounts -T 8 -s 2 -t gene -o /bighome/lastarr/Practice_DA_RNAseq...featureCounts/input.counts.txt -a /bighome/lastarr/c_elegans.PRJNA13758.WS285.canonical_geneset.gtf /bighome/lastarr
updated 22 months ago • lastarr
Hi, I read in this site that gff3 format is also acceptable for featureCounts and I don't have gtf but only gff3 file, but it doesn't work. ``` featureCounts -T 6 -t exon -g gene_id -Q 30 -F GTF -a medtr.R108_HM340.gnm1.ann1.85YW.gcv_genes.gff3
updated 22 months ago • selmanurkeskin
featureCounts setting ===========================\\ || || || Input files : 1 BAM file || || || || DBV07.sort.bam || || …
updated 22 months ago • 哲
very-sensitive-local` or others such as miRDeep2. When aligned to the genome, one can use e.g. `featureCounts` with mature miRNA coordinates from miRBase to assign features and when aligned to miRase sequences directly
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