324 results • Page 2 of 6
one below, where I am having counts per exon? I guess it would be possible to get sth like this with featureCounts. However, when I tried, I do not get the numbering for each exon (I get sth like this: ENSMUSG00000025902.7, without
time points (T1 and T2). The mapping was done with STAR aligner and the quantification was done with FeatureCounts. When I perform the paired analysis in F: T2 vs T1 and NF: T2 vs T1. I create a design matrix including the variables
updated 23 months ago • Dimitris
I am trying to perform a count per gene analysis using featureCounts in R. I have downloaded the gtf file and edited it within R to only contain the gene ID, chr, start, end, and strand...within a data frame (df2). I am trying to run featureCounts on df2 with my 6 bam files, however, I am unable to download the package Rsubread. ``` library("Rsubread") Error in library
updated 23 months ago • margo
Right now, the result objects from `Rsubread::featureCounts` can easily read into most DE Analysis packages (at least for `DESeq2` and `edgeR`, which should cover most use cases...Right now, the result objects from `Rsubread::featureCounts` can easily read into most DE Analysis packages (at least for `DESeq2` and `edgeR`, which should cover most use cases). However, at this time, it appears to me…
updated 23 months ago • johnmcma
As I know, to use DESeq2 you need raw counts. but in my case I have featureCounts. is the raw counts like feature ones ? if not is there a way to convert featureCounts to raw counts in R
updated 23 months ago • Hicham
featureCounts: 0% successfully assigned fragments on PE .BAM files I am facing same problem, performed every suggestion but
updated 23 months ago • KMS
Hello, I am using "featureCounts" in Rsubread package for analyzing bulk RNA-seq of drosophila. Since there is no inbuilt annotations of drosophila...Rsubread) library(limma) library(edgeR) targets <- readTargets("wholeflyseq.txt") fc <- featureCounts(files=targets$OutputFile,annot.ext="genes.gtf",isGTFAnnotationFile=TRUE, isPairedEnd=TRUE) ``` I was able to
updated 2.0 years ago • Chise
Hello, I would like to confirm if the low assignment ratio (54%) is normal, and please check the possible reason I found. I used Hisat2 to assign paired-end strand-specific transcriptomic sequences (rRNA removed) to a reference genome. Because I filtered out the unmapped sequences in advance, the overall assignment ratio displayed by Hisat2 was 100%, and the multi-mapping ratio was only 0.3%. T…
updated 2.0 years ago • Sarah_piggy
I am using Rsubread to analyze human FASTQ files from the ENA. I downloaded a GRCh38 FASTA from ENCODE to create and index. I used the featureCounts(bam.files, annot.inbuilt = "hg38") function to count mapped reads for genomic features. Everything seems to work...FASTQ files from the ENA. I downloaded a GRCh38 FASTA from ENCODE to create and index. I used the featureCounts(bam.files, annot.i…
updated 2.1 years ago • agustin.gonvi
Enter the body of text here I did RNAseq of a Drosophila cell line. By using RNASTAR in Galaxy I am getting high number of reads mapped to too many loci. (uniquely mapped 60 %, mapped to multiple loci 10 %, mapped to too many loci 24 %). Later when I am doing FeatureCounts there is only 40 % assigned, unasigned : unmapped 20 %, unassigned : mapping quality 35 %. Should I consider this as …
updated 2.1 years ago • vasa.broz
the alternative splicing events by R. Here is the Syntax I used. ``` library(edgeR) fc <- featureCounts(files=c("file control1.bam", "file control2.bam", "file control3.bam", "file treated1.bam", "file treated2.bam", "file
and have been following the Galaxy pipleine for my RNA seq data. At this stage, I have featureCounts count tables. In one one of the DEG experiments, I have to compare WT baseline data (2 males + 2 females) vs WT at 1h
updated 2.2 years ago • István
Hi, I have a couple of questions regarding parameter choices for featureCounts. I have stranded 150 bp paired-end reads. I have currently chosen the following settings. As far as I understand...have set my STAR mapping to output all alignments with the best score as primary alignments). ```r featureCounts -p -B −−countReadPairs -C -F GTF --verbose -M --fraction --primary -A chromosome_name_ali…
there, Excellent package! I am using it to do RNA-seq. But I encountered a small problem when using featureCounts(). The code is as follows: ```r featureCounts( "A1.raw_1.fastq.gz.subjunc.BAM", annot.inbuilt = NULL, annot.ext = "GCF_015227675.2_mRatBN7.2_genomic.gtf...__| | ========== |_____/ \____/|____/|_| \_\______/_/ \_\_____/ Rsubread 2.8.0 //========================…
updated 2.2 years ago • Zhaoxu
gtfFeature 'exon' --gtfAttr 'gene_id' ``` 2. quantify the reads based on the exons ``` featureCounts -a $gtf -t exon -g exon_id -p -T 12 -o featureCounts.exonLevel.txt subjunc/*.bam ``` 3. upload the data into R, create a `DGEList
updated 2.3 years ago • Assa Yeroslaviz
analysis. What files should I use as the input file? is it just gene count files in tabular form by featurecount? Thank you
updated 2.3 years ago • cam
Hello, I am using "featureCounts" in Rsubread package for analyzing bulk RNA-seq of drosophila. Since there is no inbuilt annotations of drosophila...library(limma) library(edgeR) targets <- readTargets("wholeflyseq.txt") fc <- featureCounts(files=targets$OutputFile,annot.ext="genes.gtf",isGTFAnnotationFile=TRUE) (genes.gtf is in Drosophila_melanogaster
updated 2.4 years ago • Chise
for analyzing Illumina `RNASeq` datasets. I follow the below steps; 1. Derived raw counts (from featureCounts) > Imported counts to DESeq2 2. Normalised the counts via an estimation of size factors `(counts(dds, normalized
updated 2.4 years ago • mohammedtoufiq91
Hi, I have exom read aligned to hg38. I used featureCounts to quantify the reads. Therefore, I would like to normalize the reads in the different sample using DESeq2...Hi, I have exom read aligned to hg38. I used featureCounts to quantify the reads. Therefore, I would like to normalize the reads in the different sample using DESeq2. May
updated 2.4 years ago • adR
anyone know where to download the human Annotating Genomes with GFF3 or GTF files or the function featureCount download it automatically in the command line. I did the unpaired end alignment using hg38 reference genome...My objective is to quantify read counts in the bam file using featureCounts. featureCounts -t exon -g gene_id -a annotation.gtf -o counts.txt mapping_results_SE.bam …
updated 2.5 years ago • Do it!
Hello, Does anyone know if theres a way for featureCounts to analyse bam files in parallel? I have been running featureCounts for my bam files and its taking so long ( currently
updated 2.5 years ago • Beth_b
Hello- I'm trying to use `Rsubread`'s `featureCounts` function in a single-cell ATAC-seq data set, to count the number of reads in each cell that map to each peak. My...RG` tag and added `@RG` header lines for each. `featureCounts` is segfaulting when I try to read this file with `byReadGroup = TRUE`: ```plain ========== _____ _ _ ____ _____ ______ _____ …
updated 2.5 years ago • mruffalo
View(bam.files) # Ver lista de archivos del directorio (.BAM) bam.files[12] head(bam.files, n = 12L) #### FeatureCount: Programa que cuenta las lecturas de los bam mycount = list() for (i in 1:12) { mycount[[i]] <- featureCounts(files = bam.files...splitOnly = FALSE) } > for (i in 1:12) { + + + mycount[[i]] <- featureCounts(files = bam.files[i], + …
updated 2.5 years ago • v.merino.nicolas
a few samples with high counts of rRNA genes in the third replicate. My pipeline was HISAT2 --> featureCounts --> DESeq2. When clustering replicates 1 and 2, the replicates of each condition clustered closely together
updated 2.5 years ago • jac
Hi, I did my RNA-Seq analysis using the Galaxy platform with the following pipeline: HISAT2 --> featureCounts --> DESeq2. Now I want to recreate the PCA plot in RStudio. In the DESeq2 manual, the command line for this is: plotPCA
updated 2.5 years ago • jac
I did below is correct. library(DESeq2) count_file_names <- grep("counts",list.files("featureCounts"),value=T) specimen_type <- c("Age0","Age2","Age4","Age6","Age8","Age10","Age12") sample_information <- data.frame(sampleName...count_file_names, fileName = count_file_names, condition = specimen_type) Note- I switched to featureCounts instead of HTSeq …
updated 2.7 years ago • jbnrodriguez
I am using featureCounts to try and create a count table for some RNA-Seq data I collected using an Oxford Nanopore platform. I have .sam...files aligned with minimap2, and am running the following command to try to get a count table: ``` featureCounts -a knownGene_v36.gtf -o countFile *.sam -L ``` Both the GTF file I am using, and the reference genome that the alignments...problem with t…
updated 2.7 years ago • nklier38
Here is my process: 1) Feed raw count data of all the predicted genes within the sample (use **featurecounts** table). 2) Tranform the data to deseq2 compatible format and provide metadata 3) i have two samples (control vs
updated 2.7 years ago • Shail
in a feature even if they have soft-clipped and inserted bases. Is there a simple solution to make featureCounts include these reads? I'm thinking to hack the bam file to replace cigar strings containing S or I (but not containing...amp; $1 !~ "^@" && ($6 ~ "I" || $6 ~ "S")) {$6 = length($10)"M"} print $0}' > out.sam featureCounts --fracOverlap 1 -O -f -a genes.gtf -o co…
updated 2.7 years ago • dario.beraldi
Hi, I am new to Deseq analysis. Recently i conducted metatranscriptomics analysis of bacterial community in two different conditions. My aim to explore the overall significent transcript expression and also some selective transcripts (related to specific function). I used raw featurecounts output to run Deseq and created heatmap on VSD transformed data on to 20 features. But, due to vast …
updated 2.8 years ago • Shail
Hi, I'm using featureCounts (subread v2.0.2) to generate a count matrix for an RNAseq experiment. I have aligned paired-end .sam files sorted...Hi, I'm using featureCounts (subread v2.0.2) to generate a count matrix for an RNAseq experiment. I have aligned paired-end .sam files sorted by read name and have specified the -p flag and the −−countReadPairs parameter (please see code below). Whe…
updated 2.8 years ago • s.muroy
rv))) { stop(paste0("Error: the file path to '", opt, "' contains the internal splitor of featureCounts (\\027). The \\027 character is unallowd in the file names or in the paths.")) } if (any(grepl("\t", rv))) { stop(paste0("Error: the file...rv))) { stop(paste0("Error: the file path to '", opt, "' contains the internal splitor of featureCounts (\\026). The \\026 …
updated 2.9 years ago • Konstantinos Yeles
pre-processing tools for alignment, counting, or sequence analysis (e.g., Cell Ranger, STAR, HTSeq, featureCounts, salmon, GATK, etc.) and R packages designed for the above-mentioned methods (e.g., DESeq2, limma, Seurat, etc.). A solid
updated 2.9 years ago • hannah.baskir
AZM", and "TOB". I have provided the output of the first 10 rows of the raw counts obtained using featurecounts below. I have also provided the metadata table I used for the analyses below: ``` head(DESeq2_data, 10) Geneid BHI_1
updated 2.9 years ago • Naphtap92
nthreads=8) bamlist_splicing=list.files(pattern=".subjunc.sorted.BAM$") counts_splicing <- featureCounts(bamlist_splicing, annot.ext="dmel-all-r6.38.gtf", isGTFAnnotationFile=TRUE, GTF.featureType="exon", useMetaFeatures
updated 3.1 years ago • jbono
If not, what approach could I follow? Please note that so far, I have fragment counts from featureCounts for all my libraries; nevertheless, there are big differences between technical replicates sometimes (e.g
updated 3.1 years ago • mo17
The size of the bam files, generated by STAR , ranges from 1G to 27GB. Now I am using featureCounts to count reads to genes. I run featurecounts in shell command line with 24 thread machine. This is code that I...used sinteractive --cpus-per-task=24 --mem=120g module load subread featureCounts -p -T 24 -t exon -g gene_id -a genes.gtf -o P11_AM_Left_BAL_6h.txt P11_AM_Left_BAL_6h.Aligned…
updated 3.1 years ago • demirkalecy
forward-stranded or rev-stranded and PE or SE)? Like it possible to do, for instance, using featureCounts from Rsubread... Unfortunately, I didn't find that information in the reference manual. Thanks in advance, Best
updated 3.2 years ago • alexandr.gopanenko
____ \| |__| | ========== |_____/ \____/|____/|_| \_\______/_/ \_\_____/ v2.0.1 //========================== featureCounts setting ===========================\\ || || || Input files : 18 BAM files || || o bulk_trimmedAligned.…
file which i converted to BAM file format. Now i want to count the reads by using Rsubread function featurecounts, This requires gtf annotation file. how can i generate the gtf file for this. Thank you
Hi, I want to remove X and Y chromosome genes from my bulk seq data. I don't know how to proceed with that. Do I need to remove the genes from the counts after featurecounts or using the Deseq2? I also tried using the code from the previous post (https://support.bioconductor.org/p/67237...seq data. I don't know how to proceed with that. Do I need to remove the genes from the counts after featurec…
updated 3.3 years ago • Archit
9th column and "exon" from 3rd column of the GTF file, followed by counting of each GTF file using featureCounts (or HTSeq) and subsequent input of the count matrices into R for DEXSeq analysis. 2. Run featureCounts (or HTSeq
updated 3.3 years ago • Anubhav
we have any contamination by ribosomal or other repetitive sequences in our RNA-seq data. However, featureCounts is running extremely slowly on this dataset. Specifically, with only two normal-sized RNA-seq samples, featureCounts...was still running after 16 hours, at which point I aborted it. In contrast, when I run featureCounts on the set of all human exons grouped by gene (a similar-sized ann…
updated 3.4 years ago • Ryan C. Thompson
is related to the introduction of coldata information in the matrix before running DESeq2 when using featureCounts data. 1) using Galaxy with 2 factors (2 batches/ 2 discinct studies from the litterature), 3 levels in each factor...error lie? Or at least what this row.names length error refers to? 2) I then tried to retrieve my featureCounts datasets from galaxy so that I can do deseq2 myse…
updated 3.4 years ago • NGS_enthusiast
HISAT2 using the correct --rna-strandness parameter (RF, R, F, FR). Now I would like to use featureCount to create a count matrix.  This leads to the question - How should I set these two arguments? __isPairedEnd
updated 3.4 years ago • juls
I have RNA-Seq data with raw counts extracted from bam files using `featureCounts`. I wanted to convert counts to tpm, because I need TPM for some analysis. Initially, I got the coding length for
HI, I'm using featureCounts (a sw provided by the Subread package) to count reads taken from a BAM file without the SEQ - QVAL fields. The read...summation routine gives the expected results with the following parameters: featureCounts -M -a data/basicAnnotation.gtf -o result/basic_M.FC data/basic.bam. I’m wondering if the absence of the SEQ/QVAL...be an issue when using any of the other …
updated 3.5 years ago • martinag.work
Starting from featureCounts generated raw counts file, I used edgeR to estimate the DE analysis and it went well. Now I use CPM normalized
updated 3.5 years ago • anikng
Hello, I have counts from Salmon that I have imported using Tximport for WT and KO samples. I want to use ERCC spike-in data for normalizing these counts. To do this, my strategy involves estimating size factors using ***only*** the **spike-in data** (function: Deseq2::estimateSizefactors) and using those normalize my counts (*Mus musculus* transcripts). What I have done so far: step1: I …
updated 3.8 years ago • hina.abbas.bandukwala
package. I routinely deal with mixed paired end and single end data. The Rsubread function featureCounts had a isPairedEnd argument that used to accept a logical vector containing information of which files are
updated 3.9 years ago • barrel0luck
data. I am not sure, what type of file is required for DESeq2. I have output file (count.txt) from FeatureCounts. Here is some lines of the counts.txt file (output of FeatureCounts). Is that seem correct as input of DESeq? Geneid
updated 4.0 years ago • sekhwal
I'm using the featureCounts function of Rsubread to assign aligned reads to features. Something like ~20% of my reads are unassigned (in...I'm using the featureCounts function of Rsubread to assign aligned reads to features. Something like ~20% of my reads are unassigned (in the
updated 4.0 years ago • am39
Using the `chrAliases` flag in Rsubread featureCounts is not working as expected. Single-end reads mapped to genome file ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/all...Using the `chrAliases` flag in Rsubread featureCounts is not working as expected. Single-end reads mapped to genome file ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/all/GCA...GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_full_analysis_set.refseq_annotation.gtf.g…
updated 4.0 years ago • kathleen.e.grogan
AT5G27710.2, AT5G45240.2 ``` And it can make the Txdb lose 6 genes compared with my featureCounts result ``` > genes(Tx_At) GRanges object with 37330 ranges and 1 metadata column: seqnames ranges strand | gene_id...ATMG09980 ------- seqinfo: 7 sequences from an unspecified genome ``` ``` # My featureCounts result > head(data) …
updated 4.0 years ago • shangguandong1996
Hello, I am analyzing RNA-seq data of arabidopsis samples in response to three treatments (let's call them WT, RT and DT). These treatments have some components in common, so I want to find genes that respond specifically to the unique components in each treatment. In summary, I have performed the Differential Expression analysis of the three treatments versus the non-treated sample (NT), a…
updated 4.0 years ago • eggrandio
obtained my list of DE transcripts. The functions I used to align .BAM files to features are featureCounts and summarizeOverlaps respectively, the latter resulting in higher expression levels for different transcripts...and with the following parameters: For edgeR fc <- featureCounts(all.bam, annot.ext="pathofmygff3", isGTFAnnotationFile=TRUE, nthreads=16, GTF.featureType="tra…
updated 4.0 years ago • Raito92
Hi, I am trying to use the Bioconductor package in R 3.6.3 on Windows 64-bit platform to analyse my RNA-seq data with Apis mellifera. I am facing difficulty from an error described below. I have checked the available GTF file, using readGFF, the gene_id comes in the 10th column. But that is how I have downloaded the file from: https://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/all/GCF/003/254/395/GCF…
updated 4.1 years ago • chatterjee.arumoy
BAM" ` to get the reads. > EDIT: feature counts code nc_RNA_list[1] %>% map(~ featureCounts(files = bam_file, annot.ext = gtf_files[str_detect(gtf_files,str_glue("_{.x}_"))], isGTFAnnotationFile =TRUE, GTF.featureType
updated 4.1 years ago • Konstantinos Yeles
I have a featureCounts results file that looks like the snippet at bottom. I have another file for the parent that looks similar. How...link looks like: ``` > library(DESeq2) > setwd("~/example_data/practice_rnaseq_data/featurecounts/") > counts=read.csv("counts2.txt", sep="", head=T, skip=1, row.names = "Geneid") > colnames(counts)[6:11] > colnames(co…
updated 4.1 years ago • chunter
samples into a single BAM, called peaks (Genrich), and counted reads per peak region for each sample (featureCounts). I then ran limma following common guidance (example code below), and the resulting MA plot shows many more significantly
updated 4.2 years ago • pgugger
324 results • Page 2 of 6
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