324 results • Page 3 of 6
pre> > dxd = estimateSizeFactors(dxd) Error in estimateSizeFactorsForMatrix(featureCounts(object), locfunc, : every gene contains at least one zero, cannot compute log geometric means > head(dxd) class
updated 8.6 years ago • Fahmi Nazarie
generating a count matrix from this input using Rsubread package? The following code using `featureCounts` works, but I believe it is improper to use on single cell data? ```r countsmat<-featureCounts( files = c("LN.bam","blood.bam
updated 14 months ago • Christopher
Hello everyone, I'm having this problem with subread 2.0.3 featureCounts in Linux OS. This gtf file is converted with gff3 file using gffread. This is my using code. ``` featureCounts -T 10...__| | ========== |_____/ \____/|____/|_| \_\______/_/ \_\_____/ v2.0.1 //========================== featureCounts setting ===========================\\ Input files : 1 …
feature counts as implemented in Rsubread on my mac My script is: library(Rsubread) b1.res<-featureCounts(files="b1.res.bam",annot.inbuilt="hg38",isPairedEnd=TRUE,requireBothEndsMapped=FALSE) I get an output file
updated 6.9 years ago • raf4
Thanks for sending through the data which helped us to identify the problem. The problem was that featureCounts did not allow the chromosome names in the provided annotation file to be longer than 48 characters. We have...increased this limit to 100 characters. This solved the problem and featureCounts worked fine for your data now from our testing. We have committed the changes to bioc devel re…
I got an error using subread v 2.0.6 Assertion failed: (NULL == pairer -> bam_margin_table -> appendix2), function SAM_pairer_finish_margin_table, file input-files.c, line 4672. zsh: abort featureCounts -O -T 8 -a stringtie_output/concat_output/concat_output.gtf -o I checked the integrity of my bam file and it looks...gt; appendix2), function SAM_pairer_finish_margin_tab…
updated 7 months ago • Kilian
Dear Bioconductor list: I have aligned some paired end reads to the human genome assembly CRCh38.p7 with R subread. I am now trying to count the reads with feature counts. It is taking over an hour on my mac, and as I recall it should run faster. This is teh first time that I have used featurecounts with a GFF file as distinct from the built in annotation, and I am wondering if th…
Hi, I'm about to analyze ATAC-seq data for the first time and my approach atm is: 1. Calling peaks 2. Merge the narrow peaks files into one 3. Convert the merge bed to saf format for input in featureCounts 4. Using featureCounts (Rsubread package) to get counts 5. Use the counts as input to DESeq2 The thing is that I'm stuck at step 4. Since I cant make sense of the output I get. If I try …
updated 6.5 years ago • j.bergenstrahle
There is some problem with the format of the GTF files? I used the following commands: <pre> x&lt;-featureCounts("accepted_hits.bam", annot.ext="transcripts_exon.gff", isGTFAnnotationFile + =TRUE, GTF.featureType + ="exon
updated 6.9 years ago • sancharisircar24
Hi everyone, I have exonic counts for 344 samples for 15 genes that include some house-keeping genes like GAPDH and Actin genes using dexseq\_count. I am trying to normalize them like this: <pre> dxd = DEXSeqDataSetFromHTSeq( countFiles, sampleData = sampleTable, design= ~ sample + exon + disease_type:exon, flattenedfile = flattenedFile) head(sampleTable) &nbsp; &…
updated 6.6 years ago • komal.rathi
and one of my main goals is to map lncRNAs (long noncoding RNAs). I am using STAR for alignment and featureCounts for mapping (counting). For the lncRNAs, I think I need to use the annotation file gencode.v28.long\_noncoding..._RNAs.gtf.gz.&nbsp; I will pass this annotation file on to the counter featureCounts. &nbsp; I have already created a Genome Index for STAR but using the differen…
updated 5.9 years ago • inah
to summarize counts to the gene level." These are the parameters that I am using: ``` mock1 &lt;- featureCounts(files="mock1_Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam",isPairedEnd=TRUE, GTF.featureType="exon", GTF.attrType="gene_id
BAM" ` to get the reads. &gt; EDIT: feature counts code nc_RNA_list[1] %&gt;% map(~ featureCounts(files = bam_file, annot.ext = gtf_files[str_detect(gtf_files,str_glue("_{.x}_"))], isGTFAnnotationFile =TRUE, GTF.featureType
updated 4.1 years ago • Konstantinos Yeles
HISAT2 using the correct&nbsp;--rna-strandness parameter (RF, R, F, FR). Now I would like to use featureCount to create a count matrix.&nbsp; This leads to the question - How should I set these two arguments? __isPairedEnd
updated 3.5 years ago • juls
I am using featureCounts for my RNA-seq data to get count matrix. but m facing some problem with my output file. Most of the file is fine...I am using featureCounts for my RNA-seq data to get count matrix. but m facing some problem with my output file. Most of the file is fine but
updated 4.8 years ago • hafiz.talhamalik
for sending through the data which helped us to identify the &gt; problem. The problem was that featureCounts did not allow the chromosome &gt; names in the provided annotation file to be longer than 48 characters. We &gt...have increased this limit to 100 characters. This solved the problem and &gt; featureCounts worked fine for your data now from our testing. &gt; &gt; W…
So I'm basically getting these 'successfully assigned reads" of around 30 - 45%. When I did STAR I got alignment reads of like 70-80% which is really good. I know that FeatureCounts counts the amount of reads (achieved in STAR) appeared to overlap with known genes. And so it's normal that it's...30 - 45%. When I did STAR I got alignment reads of like 70-80% which is really good. I know that Featu…
updated 17 months ago • Soniya.sherpa.lama
featureCounts setting ===========================\\ || || || Input files : 1 BAM file || || || || DBV07.sort.bam || || …
updated 22 months ago • 哲
Hello,&nbsp; I am working on quantifying RNASeq data at the exon level, which is intended for use in the DEXSeq package. I followed the documentation provided in the DEXSeq tutorial (http://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/vignettes/DEXSeq/inst/doc/DEXSeq.pdf, page 23), as well as the commands on Subread to DEXSeq helper code (https://github.com/vivekbhr/Subread\_to\_DEXSeq).&nbsp;…
updated 5.8 years ago • jennyl.smith12
I have used Cufflinks RPKM values, but if I want to use edgeR, is this a valid way of doing it using featureCounts: fc &lt;- featureCounts(files=targets$Targets,nthreads=8, isGTFAnnotationFile=TRUE, GTF.attrType="gene_id", GTF.featureType...x) expr_norm &lt;- rpkm(expr, log=FALSE,gene.length=x$genes$Length) # Getting gene length from FeatureCounts, using rkpm() in the edgeR package, not…
updated 10.0 years ago • Sindre
RNA star (to obtain Star counts similiar to the new TCGA pipeline) and afterwards I used the featurecounts function. The data from the featurecounts function I combined into one excel file (countsm) and I also created...Subsequently I performed the DESEq2 analysis as described in the pipeline. Since I used the featurecounts function, I followed the "countsmatrix" vignette steps. After I obtai…
updated 16 months ago • nico
Hi, When one have generated counts using FeatureCounts it generates a list of transcripts and note genes. I understand the procotol as "gene"-counts should be used...Hi, When one have generated counts using FeatureCounts it generates a list of transcripts and note genes. I understand the procotol as "gene"-counts should be used - however how is genecounts defined? Can I use the transcript-count…
updated 5.5 years ago • SannaG
in both tools are the same.&nbsp; While reading a bit more I came across the paper introducing "[featureCounts](https://academic.oup.com/bioinformatics/article/30/7/923/232889/featureCounts-an-efficient-general-purpose...program)". When they compared featureCounts with summarizeOverlaps and HTSeq in section 5.2, the results of summarizeOverlaps and HTSeq also slightly
updated 6.5 years ago • Walter F. Baumann
In the documentation for featureCounts, it doesn't say whether endpoints are included or excluded. So which of Start and End, if any, are included in the
updated 9.0 years ago • Ryan C. Thompson
machine. So they have to divide into 2 batches for sequencing. Following sequencing, I used Tophat2-featureCounts-DEseq2 pipeline to analyze them. &nbsp;My question is: should I merge the FeatureCounts result into one file...tr> <tr> <td>F.3</td> <td>ConditionF</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> &nbsp; Can I run&nbsp;Tophat2-featureCounts…
updated 7.8 years ago • EJ
Hi, is there a way to automatically convert the featureCounts result matrix into a GRanges (IRanges) object? by feeding it into GRanges? I ran featureCounts for the data set...is smaller than the end position of the gene.&nbsp; <pre> countsTable &lt;- read.delim2(file = "../featureCounts/featureCounts.geneLevel.txt", header = TRUE, sep = "\t", quote …
updated 7.2 years ago • Assa Yeroslaviz
Hello, I'm processing RNA-seq data (sampleA, sampleB) with featureCounts, and DE analysis with DESeq2. In the DESeq2 output, there are only baseMean, log2FoldChange... I would like to extract...the expected counts calculated by DESeq2 (already normalized, not the raw read counts from featureCounts). Is there anyone knowing how to extract the expected counts value for each sample? For…
updated 5.1 years ago • cwliu2014
I used the following pipeline for RNA Seq Analysis Fastq-Trimmomatic- Hisat2(gtf file was annotated)-featurecounts After featurecounts I tried to do limmavoom, but I get error saying this ``` An error occurred with this dataset
updated 21 months ago • btadfaramin
When running FeatureCounts with -R (report reads) the output bam file reads are tagged with XS, XN and XT. I have bam files aligned with HISAT2...as SAMTOOLS view -d tag filtering fails to correctly filter by XS tag. Is it possible to modify the FeatureCounts XS tag to another tag ID? Thanks in advance, Chris
updated 8 weeks ago • chris2.a.white
data. I am not sure, what type of file is required for DESeq2. I have output file (count.txt) from FeatureCounts. Here is some lines of the counts.txt file (output of FeatureCounts). Is that seem correct as input of DESeq? Geneid
updated 4.0 years ago • sekhwal
using Rsubread. The number of transcripts in the annotation &gt; file would not be an issue -- our featureCounts function supports &gt; unlimited number of annotations and chromosomes/transcripts (actually, at &gt; most...We &gt;&gt;&gt; have increased this limit to 100 characters. This solved the problem and &gt;&gt;&gt; featureCounts worked fine for your data…
Hi, I work on plant species. I have used STAR to map RNAseq reads and featureCounts to get expression values. I would like to counts the number of reads map to the genes and outside of genes. Is...Hi, I work on plant species. I have used STAR to map RNAseq reads and featureCounts to get expression values. I would like to counts the number of reads map to the genes and outside of genes. Is there
updated 7.9 years ago • myprogramming2016
Hi, I'm using featureCounts() to generate the count matrix of my RNAseq experiment and edgeR to do the DGE analysis. Now, during the filtering...step I am removing low-count genes like this: fc &lt;- featureCounts(..) counttable &lt;- fc$counts y &lt;- DGEList(counts=counttable) __keep &lt;- rowSums(cpm(y) &gt; 1) &gt;= 4__ \# Keep genes only if...but those lincRNAs …
updated 6.3 years ago • martin.weihrauch
the log-RPKM values ``` plotMDS(logRPKM, gene.selection="pairwise") ``` #Creating a DGEList from featureCounts If the count matrix is created using `Rsubread::featureCounts` then the output can be transformed to a DGEList...directly, without any need for intermediate data files: ``` fc &lt;- featureCounts( ... ) y &lt;- featureCounts2DGEList(fc) ``` The resulting DGEList object will aut…
updated 8 months ago • Gordon Smyth
Hello! I can't run featureCounts with gff3 file. Please, help! My **gff3 file** structure is: ``` chr1 . miRNA_primary_transcript 17369 17436 . - . ID=MI0022705...ID=MIMAT0027619;Alias=MIMAT0027619;Name=hsa-miR-6859-3p;Derives_from=MI0022705 ``` **Command line:** ``` ./featureCounts -F -a ./../annotation/hsa_miR.gff3 -o ./../../../projects/vesicles/1_repeat_vesicles/counts_K.txt ./../..…
updated 4.8 years ago • algenubi81
I did below is correct. library(DESeq2) count_file_names &lt;- grep("counts",list.files("featureCounts"),value=T) specimen_type &lt;- c("Age0","Age2","Age4","Age6","Age8","Age10","Age12") sample_information &lt;- data.frame(sampleName...count_file_names, fileName = count_file_names, condition = specimen_type) Note- I switched to featureCounts instead of HTSeq …
updated 2.7 years ago • jbnrodriguez
so I'm using feature counts from Rsubread and I have the following ERRORs after running: &gt; featureCounts(BAMfiles, annot.ext="//path/to/gff/", isGTFAnnotationFile=TRUE, nthreads=16, isPairedend=TRUE, allowMultiOverlap...multi-overlapping features. Error in file(file, "rt") : cannot open the connection Calls: featureCounts -&gt; read.delim -&gt; read.table …
updated 5.3 years ago • memoly101
I can filter bam file from above command to pass it to feature count. This is what I use right now. featureCounts -p -T 5 -a hg38GENCODE.gtf -o $filename.txt $filename.bam &amp; I am running data in bulk, that requires bwa mem with...above parameters so do not want to use resources for e.g. STAR alignment etc for passing it to featureCount. I am very new to this field, so please d…
updated 4.6 years ago • ajajoo
  Hi,  I installed Rsubread and now I want to extract raw counts from RNAseq bam files. Could you please give me the command line to use in order to analyse one or more bam files?  thank you   
updated 6.8 years ago • Morris
Hi everyone, I'm trying to export the featureCounts output results of Rsubread to a .xls format (excel), but I'm not having success. I have got the counts of the reads...Hi everyone, I'm trying to export the featureCounts output results of Rsubread to a .xls format (excel), but I'm not having success. I have got the counts of the reads from my RNASeq experiment, but I can't export the result. I…
updated 9.5 years ago • gustavoborin01
but I decided to use DESeq2 for that. I used MACS for peak calling and I had BAM files. Then used featureCounts to generate counts matrix. To this count matrix, I used DESeq2. &nbsp; Everything looks fine but I am not sure is
Hello, I am using "featureCounts" in Rsubread package for analyzing bulk RNA-seq of drosophila. Since there is no inbuilt annotations of drosophila...Rsubread) library(limma) library(edgeR) targets &lt;- readTargets("wholeflyseq.txt") fc &lt;- featureCounts(files=targets$OutputFile,annot.ext="genes.gtf",isGTFAnnotationFile=TRUE, isPairedEnd=TRUE) ``` I was able to
updated 2.0 years ago • Chise
Hi I am running featureCounts() function from Rsubread package with my aligned dataset. I am using HPC clusters to perform the task. my Rscript...looks something like this. ``` fc &lt;- featureCounts(files=fileNames, annot.ext=file.path("/lustre/project/jfang5", "Homo_sapiens_GRCh38", …
updated 7 months ago • kthapa
Hello, I am using "featureCounts" in Rsubread package for analyzing bulk RNA-seq of drosophila. Since there is no inbuilt annotations of drosophila...library(limma) library(edgeR) targets &lt;- readTargets("wholeflyseq.txt") fc &lt;- featureCounts(files=targets$OutputFile,annot.ext="genes.gtf",isGTFAnnotationFile=TRUE) (genes.gtf is in Drosophila_melanogaster
updated 2.4 years ago • Chise
to continue with): __dxd__ = DEXSeqDataSetFromHTSeq(...) __dxdn1__ &lt;- dxd\[rowSums(cpm(featureCounts(dxd))&gt;1) &gt;= 4\] __dxdn2__ &lt;- dxd\[rowSums(cpm(featureCounts(dxd))&gt;2) &gt;= 4\] __dxdn5__ &lt;- dxd\[rowSums(cpm(featureCounts
updated 8.3 years ago • arom2
packages/Rsubread/versions/1.22.2/topics/align I wonder whether the options of the **featureCounts** function could matter too... https://www.rdocumentation.org/packages/Rsubread/versions/1.22.2/topics/featureCounts
updated 5.0 years ago • Raito92
9th column and "exon" from 3rd column of the GTF file, followed by counting of each GTF file using featureCounts (or HTSeq) and subsequent input of the count matrices into R for DEXSeq analysis. 2. Run featureCounts (or HTSeq
updated 3.3 years ago • Anubhav
vs control). Briefly, I mapped the RNA-seq reads to the reference genome using STAR and I used featureCounts to quantify the reads mapped to the reference genes and found the gene counts. Before I start the deferentially
to import each single cells. It would be nice if also something like this would be possible with featurecounts() . Thanks! &nbsp; <pre> Filter &lt;- list(1_cell.barcode) names(Filter) &lt;- "CB" BamParam &lt;- ScanBamParam(what=scanBamWhat
updated 6.3 years ago • alessandro.pastore
5, minOverlap=1) # get counts (mapQCth=0 was kept to match with results from DESeq2/featurecounts, summits=FALSE for counting over full peak ) obj &lt;- dba.count(obj, minOverlap=1, score=DBA_SCORE_READS, summits...rather it is using raw counts to plot PCA. I rectified it separate analysis with quantification with featurecounts/DESeq2 and plotting PCA on both vst transformed coun…
updated 5 weeks ago • Ankit
I try to analyse RRHP data. I think I have to count my reads for each of my samples. So I used featurecount on my bam files, but I had low coverage... Is anybody have already count reads from DNA seq? Thanks a lot!!! Christelle
updated 5.6 years ago • christelle.ledantec
one below, where I am having counts per exon? I guess it would be possible to get sth like this with featureCounts. However, when I tried, I do not get the numbering for each exon (I get sth like this: ENSMUSG00000025902.7, without
Dear All, I am using GTF file to use as input of FeatureCount along with .bam file, but I am getting error. I read many post on forum related to this query but could not get proper
updated 20 months ago • KMS
Based on the manual, featureCounts function in Rsubread set&nbsp;countPrimaryAlignmentsOnly=FALSE by default. By setting&nbsp;countPrimaryAlignmentsOnly...Based on the manual, featureCounts function in Rsubread set&nbsp;countPrimaryAlignmentsOnly=FALSE by default. By setting&nbsp;countPrimaryAlignmentsOnly=TRUE, as alignments used are less, the counts seem to be less too. But I go…
updated 8.3 years ago • Likai Mao
e -B -G ${GTF} -o transcripts.gtf -A gene_abundances.tsv input.rmdup.bam **Deseq2 (using featureCounts counts)** featureCounts -T $threads -p -F GTF -t exon -g gene_id -s 2 -a ${GTF} -o out.featurecount input.rmdup.bam **FPKM values
updated 4.4 years ago • JindrichK
Hi, I have exom read aligned to hg38. I used featureCounts to quantify the reads. Therefore, I would like to normalize the reads in the different sample using DESeq2...Hi, I have exom read aligned to hg38. I used featureCounts to quantify the reads. Therefore, I would like to normalize the reads in the different sample using DESeq2. May
updated 2.4 years ago • adR
normal), 2 experimental groups(Esophageal cancer),The result is Figure 1.![Figure 1][1] I use featurecounts to count genes, this is my [counts array][2] [1]: http://chuantu.xyz/t6/702/1558315882x2890202416.png [2]:
updated 5.0 years ago • xuyao15927402897
Hi Everybody, I 44 samples and &gt;76000 transcripts in my RNA Seq data which was counted using FeatureCounts. I'd like to reduce the number of transcripts by filtering out the transcripts in which 80% of the samples (35...Hi Everybody, I 44 samples and &gt;76000 transcripts in my RNA Seq data which was counted using FeatureCounts. I'd like to reduce the number of transcripts by filte…
updated 9.3 years ago • ccheung
with not problems. Thanks in advance for any help. Best regards, Christian Mertes ``` &gt; featureCounts(file="HG00356.2.M_111215_6.bam", annot.ext=ranges, isLongRead=FALSE) ========== _____ _ _ ____ _____ ______ _____ ===== / ____..._____/ \____/|____/|_| \_\______/_/ \_\_____/ Rsubread 1.34.7 //=======================…
updated 4.6 years ago • mertes
Hi, The options `` read2pos `` and `` readExtension3 `` are usefull for counting fixed fragments (). Recently I considered one condition of counting reads based on their 5' most base, whose position was shifted. For example, the 5' most base is first shifted by a fixed number based on POS and CIGAR fields, then reads are summarized. It is useful if the middle point of fragments are considered in…
updated 5.7 years ago • Leon
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