69 results • Page 1 of 2
design = ~ sex+month+method+cat) I've used the default wald test and am applying ashr for LFCshrink which I think is the correct method, however I have previously used IHW for multiple testing correction...of using both please? Or what is used for multiple testing correction otherwise when running with ashr? Many thanks, B
updated 3.3 years ago • Bex
Hello DESeqers, I have two groups of patients whose gene expression is expected to change differently over time. In one group, the change in gene expression is expected to be greater or at least different, but individual patients are also expected to have different baseline levels of gene expression as well. Therefore, I'm interested the interaction of time, and patient, and not in indi…
updated 6.3 years ago • jurbach
c("ConditionB","ConditionC")), listValues = c(1,-1/2), type="ashr") using 'ashr' for LFC shrinkage. If used in published research, please cite: Stephens, M. (2016) False discovery rates: a new deal...the `contrast` or `listValues` or is there likely something wrong with my input data? I reinstalled `ashr` but it doesn't help
updated 2.6 years ago • Kent
1] ``` > resLFC_sh2 <- lfcShrink(dds, contrast=c("Treatment", "Sh2", "Control"), type="ashr") using 'ashr' for LFC shrinkage. If used in published research, please cite: Stephens, M. (2016) False discovery rates: a new deal
updated 5.6 years ago • MatthewP
based on Zhu *et al.*, 2018 but am curious as to what criteria others use to justify `apeglm` vs `ashr` for this sort of analysis. My current dataset is 160 samples, but I'm narrowing focus to 4M + 4F per experimental condition...I have an FDR < 0.05 for ~ 200 genes, but `apeglm` shrinks all my fold changes towards zero, and `ashr` gives LFCs between 1 and 28 for all 200 genes. Base mean…
updated 2.9 years ago • Allison
instead of p-adjusted values in results. Is there a way I can get the nominal P-values by using the ashr shrinkage estimator? I only see the s-values. If not, which P-values is it base on? How can I examine my test by P-value histogram
updated 3.7 years ago • haasroni
Hi, I'm using Deseq2 (v1.26.0) and ashr (v2.2-47) to shrink the log2FoldChange of the genes resulting from interaction term. DEseq2 returns the different shrunken...among Mut.T/UT vs WT.T/UT using the following **design = ~cell+trt+cell:trt** followed by ashr fold-change shrinkage. I get different results with ashr with reference levels compared to the ones without defining...for example**).…
updated 3.9 years ago • sofiagreen72211
Hello, We have RNA-seq as well as functional data of various kinds. For some of the most important genes in our study, we quantified protein and transcript levels using wet lab assays to confirm the size and direction of effect of the results. Our original data were from microarray studies, these data showed massive downregulation of interferon responsive genes in the microarray data; su…
updated 20 months ago • Ndimensional
I have created 12 pairs of DGE for my 3x2 design matrix with deseq2 and 10/12 shrinking by ashr works fine however,for 2 of the pairs, this message appears > Optimization failed to converge. Results may be unreliable...increasing maxiter and rerunning. I saw error in a thread here https://github.com/stephens999/ashr/issues/76 Does installing mixsqp to resolve this issue? Am I m…
updated 4.9 years ago • kavator
I obtained negative svalues from the lfcShrink function of DESeq2 using the ashr shrinkage estimator. The values are very small and close to 0: the smallest is `-1.110223e-16`, the largest negative is `-1.199592e...I obtained negative svalues from the lfcShrink function of DESeq2 using the ashr shrinkage estimator. The values are very small and close to 0: the smallest is `-1.110223e-16`, t…
updated 4.1 years ago • Enrico
Hi everyone, I'm currently getting some warnings when using lfcshrinkage with "ashr", regarding solve(). Example Code should be placed in three backticks as shown below ``` library(zebrafishRNASeq) data(zfGenes...c("group", "Trt","Ctl")) ashr_res<-lfcShrink(dds, contrast = c("group", "Trt","Ctl"),type="ashr") ``` This leads to the production of the corresponding output:…
updated 2.9 years ago • andrebolerbarros
the default algorithm that is used is "aplegm", while the lfcShrink function in DiffBind uses ashr. Is this right? and if so, what is the reason for this? It seems that aplegm is more suited for RNA-seq data while ashr is for other...sequencing data. Could you offer more insight as to why ashr is used by DiffBind? 3. For some of the pairwise DiffBind results, we found some very interesting resul…
updated 21 months ago • bhandary.8590
log2FC on the order of +/- 30, which is of course unreasonably large. If I follow up with lfcshrink + ashr shrinkage, these barely change and if I use lfcshrink + normal shrinkage, these effects are shrunken to nearly 0. I understand...ashr" generally performs better than "normal" and that it preserves large LFC, but these LFC are unrealistically large with...with my design or samples? 2. If thi…
updated 4.9 years ago • Alex
lfcShrink` does not say much on the topic, except that `contrast` and `coef` are ignored for `type="ashr"` when `res` is provided (and for `ashr` neither `contrast` nor `coef` are required). There is also the error message `one of coef or...reason why `contrast` or `coef` should be required if `res` is given (even for for types other than `ashr`), or am I missing something? In fact, if `res` is…
updated 6.0 years ago • tdanhorn
Hi, I have pretty simple but probably weird question. I have complex design with interaction terms in my model (see below), I run DESeq2_1.20.0 on rna-seq data. It seems that I can't change my contrasts to end up using only apeglm shrinkage and lfcThreshold, instead I'm stuck with using ashr shrinkage method without being able to incorporate lfcThreshold into calculation of null. What bothe…
updated 4.9 years ago • Iryna
I have questions about the use of numeric contrast and lfcshrink. I set up the dds object using: dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = counts, colData = metadata, ~ Sex + genotype * treatment) Model matrix was calculated using: mod_mat <- model.matrix(design(dds, data = colData(dds)) Model matrix first line and last line show: ![enter image description here][1] I …
updated 9 months ago • hx
Hi I have done a DESeq2 DGE analysis and it showed an error when I was using ashr shrinkage ``` using 'ashr' for LFC shrinkage. If used in published research, please cite: Stephens, M. (2016) False discovery rates...contrast = c(-1/12,-1/12,-1/12,-1/12,1,-1/12,-1/12,-1/12,-1/12,-1/12,-1/12,-1/12,-1/12,0), type = "ashr") ``` Edit: Thank you Michael for pointing towards the solution here: htt…
updated 2.8 years ago • Kent
Hi all, I am using DESeq2 v1.32 for RNAseq analysis. I am using the following code to apply a threshold/ FC cutoff of 1.25 in the wald stat. However, I am seeing some significant genes in res_sig have |LFC| < 1.25. From an old discussion thread in this forum, it seems to be normal if lfcShrink type = "normal". Is it okay in ashr also? Or am I supposed to add a post hoc threshold also? Wil…
Risso et al. 2014) to estimate > variables that capture the unwanted variation. In addition, the ashr > developers have a specific method for accounting for unwanted > variation in combination with ashr (Gerard and Stephens
updated 4.4 years ago • igor
0 expression, the results have much lower number of DEGs. Also, after updating some packages (as ashr and mixsqp), I am getting lower number of DEGs when running exactly the same code. Any explanation please? Many thanks
updated 2.2 years ago • ayabalbaa1990
Since I'm analyzing my SLAM-seq data for the first time, I thought I'd follow this guide: https://bioconductor.org/packages/devel/bioc/vignettes/DESeq2/inst/doc/DESeq2.html#quick-start In the guide, it says to use contrast (or name) because contrast sets the log fold change to 0. I have two conditions treatment and control. And for my dds$condition, I releveled it so that the ref = "control". …
updated 2.1 years ago • La
For A_vs_C, I followed: ```r res_A_vs_C= lfcShrink(dds, contrast=c("Conditions", "A", "C"), type='ashr') ``` Now, I want to compare samples with A and B conditions together versus condition C (A+B_vs_C). How can I do that from the above
updated 11 months ago • bioinf
equivalent to: ``` res1 <- lfcShrink(dds, contrast=c("condition","treated1","control1"), type="ashr") res2 <- lfcShrink(dds, contrast=c("condition","treated2","control2"), type="ashr") ``` Given the statistical benefit on the DESeq2
updated 3.2 years ago • jeremymsimon
the `lfcShrink` function, but no matter what type of shrinkage estimator I give (*normal/apeglm/ashr*) I get the same results. Also - I get NA values in the **padj** column. Could this have to do with the number of samples expressing
updated 5.8 years ago • ronif10
Hello, I have a small dataset with 3 replicates per condition. One condition is a gene over-expression, the other is a control. I'm used to run DESeq2 with betaPrior = True to have a comparability with the 'old' DESeq2 behavior. I can't apply this old workflow because the expression differences between my conditions it quite small and one gene, namely the over-expressed ![](https://ibb.…
updated 6.7 years ago • mat.lesche
dds, contrast = c("conditions", "wild_type_114_2_no_carbon", "wild_type_114_2_glucose"), type = "ashr", alpha = 0.05) summary(res) Then I get: > summary(res) out of 9010 with nonzero total read count adjusted p-value < 0.1 LFC &gt...alpha 0.05 and not the default? ```r res <- lfcShrink(dds, res=res_wt_glu_vs_nocar, type = "ashr") ``` I thought the ashr method allowed t…
updated 3 months ago • cropero
Hi, Dr love. I post a question about [weird MAplot or volcano plot of DESeq2 diff result](https://support.bioconductor.org/p/9139060/) and also in [biostar](https://www.biostars.org/p/9484986/#9485059). @atpoint give a useful answer about too many 0 count genes and prefiltering. It seems that too many 0 count genes makes lfc shrink have a probelm. And I find the `apeglm` and `ashr` result i…
updated 3.6 years ago • Guandong Shang
Hello everyone, I am currently working on RNA-Seq data using DESeq2. As it is in the manual, you can perform pre-filtering (e.g.: keep <- rowSums(counts(dds)) >= 10 dds <- dds[keep,] However, it's also said that: _"While it is not necessary to pre-filter low count genes before running the DESeq2 functions..."_. So, from what I gather, using this threshold (1…
updated 6.4 years ago • andrebolerbarros
list(c("status_als_vs_con"))) res1 <- lfcShrink(dds, contrast = contrast, res =res1, type="ashr") '' Thanks, Paria
updated 23 months ago • paria.alipour
3 UP 843 > res_tableOE_shrunk <- lfcShrink(dds, contrast = contrast_oe, type = "ashr") using 'ashr' for LFC shrinkage. If used in published research, please cite: Stephens, M. (2016) False discovery rates: a new deal
updated 3.4 years ago • Deevanshu
better just use non-shrunken log2foldchange for all? (I'm looking forward to `` apeglm ```` ``and `` ashr ``) Thank you
updated 6.8 years ago • Yuya Liang
did comparisons within each culture condition by grouping condition and genotype and using lfcshrink/ashr. For instance for genotype A: dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = countdata, colData = coldata, design = ~ Experiment...2D contrast A_2D_v_WT_2D_lfcShrink <- lfcShrink(dds, contrast=c("group"…
updated 4.5 years ago • Nick F
at several other posts here but wasn't able to fix the issue (while keeping the apeglm instead of ashr. Here is my entire workflow: ```r mydata<-read.table("data/july9_salmon.merged.gene_counts_length_scaled.tsv",sep...res = dd1) : type='apeglm' shrinkage only for use with 'coef' ``` I need to use the apeglm, not ashr with contrast. How do I fix this? Any help is highly appreci…
for LFC shrinkage, the Normal prior from Love et al (2014). Note that type='apeglm' and type='ashr' have shown to have less bias than type='normal'. See ?lfcShrink for more details on shrinkage type, and the DESeq2 vignette
updated 5.0 years ago • junli1988
Edit": ```r ddsShrink_t <- lfcShrink(ddsObj2, contras=c("cell_group","DC3_TLR","DC2_TLR"), type="ashr") ``` It now worked with ashr. But is this correct
updated 3.0 years ago • LHA_trash
30 treatments vs mock using DESeq2 (v.1.44.0). I don't filter any low counts. I apply L2FC-shrinkage (ashr). This is an experiment where we repeated the library prep from exactly the same RNA which was used for a first prep/experiment
updated 3 months ago • fjrsa
method for the comparison of two conditions. However if i prefer the lfcshrink FC (apeglm or ashr methods) then what would be the value to be used for GSEA? Indeed the "stat" column is generated using the normal method and
updated 15 months ago • delphine.rossille
control"),listValues = c(1/2,-1))) resLFC <- lfcShrink(dds, contrast=contrast, res=res, type="ashr") up <- res[which(resLFC$log2FoldChange > 0 & resLFC$padj < 0.01),] down <- res[which(resLFC$log2FoldChange < 0 & resLFC
updated 2.7 years ago • User000
logical, should p-values and adjusted p-values be replaced with s-values when using apeglm or ashr. s-values provide the probability of false signs among the tests with equal or smaller s-value than a given given's s-value
updated 6.0 years ago • ATpoint
Additionally, is it possible to use apeglm shrinkage for this comparison? or am I limited to ashr? Any help is much Appreciated. Thanks
updated 7 months ago • BioNovice247
Hello, @rory I have a question regarding the 3 scenarios in which lfcShrink is applied in DiffBind package. The source code looks like this ``` if(shrink) { if(contrast$contrastType=="byname") { res$de <- suppressMessages(DESeq2::lfcShrink(pv$DESeq2$DEdata, coef=contrast$contrast, …
updated 20 months ago • bhandary.8590
above for my own dataset. However, I am struggling to perform lfcShrink() using types "apeglm" and "ashr". Does any one have any suggestions on how to perform log fold change shrinkage on this design? I look forward to your replies
updated 6.2 years ago • hannepainter
for LFC shrinkage, the Normal prior from Love et al (2014).` Note that type='apeglm' and type='ashr' have shown to have less bias than type='normal'. See ?lfcShrink for more details on shrinkage type, and the DESeq2 vignette
updated 5.1 years ago • nabiyogesh
My dataset has a total of 53 samples (with outliers removed) of breast cancer patients with two conditions. I have read that DESeq2 doesn’t provide automatic shrinkage, and I have to use lfcShrink to shrink the log2FoldChanges. The manual states that apeGLM and ashr perform better than the normal option and that apeGLM is quite strict compared to the others and performs well with small...and I h…
updated 2.6 years ago • Riley
setwd("C:/cygwin64/home/Coexpression_Nov2017") getwd() library(DESeq2) library(apeglm) library(ashr) expected_matrix <- read.table(file = "17samples_expected_count.txt", sep = "\t", header = TRUE) condition <- factor(c (rep("control
updated 7.4 years ago • lychen83
this sound reasonable? 2. Here is the MA plot from the same dataset used for volcano plots. with ashr shrinkage (I need to use contrast, so I select this method for shrinkage) I wonder if this MA plots looks okay. They are slightly
updated 2.3 years ago • BT
which is why I don't want to run the model for each coefficient separately. I also had a look at ashr, but testing against a threshold is not implemented there. Best, Frederik
updated 2.9 years ago • Frederik Ziebell
region1_condition1) res <- lfcShrink(dds, contrast = contrast, res =res, type="ashr") ``` As a result, I will have four sets of Differentially Expressed Genes (DEGs). Subsequently, I aim to compare each set of DEGs
updated 13 months ago • paria.alipour
not redone? I hope that the question is clear. Also, I already have implemented a for loop with ashr that produces a list (res as in the example above) with all given comparisons. [1]: https://support.bioconductor.org/p/9147589
updated 2.2 years ago • theodore.georgomanolis
res = res, type = "ashr") } ``` Any help or advice, would be really appreciated! Thanks
updated 20 months ago • Abir.khazaal
RcppArmadillo Suggests: testthat, knitr, rmarkdown, vsn, pheatmap, RColorBrewer, apeglm, ashr, tximport, tximeta, tximportData, readr, pbapply, airway, pasilla (>= 0.2.10), glmGamPoi, BiocManager License: LGPL (>= 3) MD5sum
updated 3.4 years ago • ladypurrsia
dds) > res.cort<- lfcShrink(dds, contrast=c("group","Cortex_Rumitin","Cortex_DMSO"), type="ashr") > res.cort log2 fold change (MMSE): group Cortex_Rumitin vs Cortex_DMSO Wald test p-value: group Cortex_Rumitin vs Cortex_DMSO...gt; res.stri<- lfcShrink(dds, contrast=c("group","Striatum_Rumitin","Striatum_DMSO"),type="ashr") > res.stri log2 fold change …
updated 10 months ago • shaunpeterson
Hi everyone, I am trying to analyse some RNA-Seq data in DESeq2, but am struggling a little conceptually in understanding how exactly to investigate what genotype specific changes I have. My data consists of 2 genotypes, 3 timepoints and 2 treatments (treated/untreated) - 48 samples in total (4 replicates per). Therefore, in the sample information file, I have formatted it like so: Sample Geno…
updated 21 months ago • james.zhang20
Enter the body of text here Hi, there: I read the previous posts about deriving confidence interval for fold change using DESeq result at URLs: https://support.bioconductor.org/p/9142141/ and https://support.bioconductor.org/p/80725/#80729 one comment from Micheal Love mentioned: Estimated standard errors for the estimated coefficients on the log2 scale are given by the lfcSE column. Ye…
updated 2.6 years ago • Mike
I have been working with DESeq2 for the past couple of months analyzing my data, I have read over the vignette many times, found other workshops, read message boards, but I still second guess my decisions and the options I have chosen. Basically my design is that I have multiple clam lines, lets say 3 (A,B,C), and two salinities I am comparing (35 ppt vs 15 ppt). Salinity 35 ppt is my control…
updated 2.6 years ago • lgspeight
in advance for your help and insights, Theo Edit 1: The MA plot looks similar with `lfcShrink(type='ashr')`: ![MA plot after LFC shrink, type=ashr][6] I suspect something is off with the data but I have not been able to track it down... ``` > sessionInfo
updated 14 months ago • theophile
changes as well as the visulal representation. I tested this mostly using apeglm, but when I tried ashr, the absolute values didn't match up either. There are not too many DGEs in this data set, otherwise I might have missed it
updated 2.0 years ago • Daphnia
listValues = c(1/3,-1))) resLFC <- lfcShrink(dds, contrast=contrast, res=res, type="ashr
updated 2.5 years ago • User000
Dear all, I analyzed RNA-seq data using DESeq2 extracting the results with or without shrinkage without shrinkage: res21 <- results(dds2, contrast=c("combined", "XX.DMSO", "XX.dTAG"), cooksCutoff=FALSE, alpha=0.05) with shrinkage: resLFC1 <- lfcShrink(dds2, contrast=c("combined", "XX.DMSO", "XX.dTAG"), alp…
updated 4.5 years ago • da.de
dds) resultsNames(dds) A_WT10vsWT0 <- lfcShrink(dds, contrast=c("group", "WTT10", "WTT0"), type="ashr") #Make volcano plot plotting FC vs padj EnhancedVolcano(df_A, lab = NA, x = 'log2FoldChange', y = 'padj', title = "WT_T10 vs WT_T0", pCutoff
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